A visit to the construction of the great century

Large-scale construction is being carried out in the field of hydropower to increase the energy potential of our country. One example of them is the construction of the Pskom HEPS, which is being built on the Pskom River. Pskom HEPS is one of the tallest underground dams in the country (200 m). These days, the first field research is being carried out on this construction. A 1: 100 scale model of the dam has been constructed at the experimental site, where the hydraulic processes on the base prism, the permeable filters, and the water permeability of the core material are studied. At the same time, experiments are being conducted on the technology of soil pouring, physical and mechanical properties of soils, the thickness of the soil layer, the mechanism of soil compaction.

This experimental work was carried out by the staff of "GIDROPROEKT" JSC with the head of the laboratory, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences K. Nazarov. On July 29, 2020, a group of professors, doctoral students and masters of the department "Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics" led by the head of the department Prof. Arifjanov visited this field. Employees of the department got acquainted with the conditions created there and the experimental work. During the visit, they were directly involved in the experimental process and developed a plan for regular participation in the measurement work. During the visit, a round table discussion was held with experts and builders on the topic of scientific research carried out at the department on the construction of the dam, hydraulic processes in the connection of dams and hydrostatic and hydrodynamic processes in water tunnels.

This visit, on the one hand, ensures the continuity of the activities of the branch of the Department of "Hydraulics and Hydroinformatics" in "GIDROPROEKT"JSC, approved by the joint order of the rector of the Institute U. Umurzakov and the director of "GIDROPROEKT" JSC A. Akhmedov and serves as a systematic continuation of ongoing work on production integration.  It should be noted that the ongoing work on the integration of science, education and industry are the initial practical steps in Implementation of the tasks set out in the "Concept of Water Resources Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030" approved by the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan PF-6024 dated July 10, 2020.