


Cipher/name of the speciality

Dissertation topic


Abduqodirova Malohat


06.01.02-Melioration and Irrigated Farming

Improvement of biological treatment methods of waste waters formulated from rural areas


Razzoqov Ruslan

Senior Teacher

11.00.05- Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources

Development of scientific – technologic basis of utilization and cleanng from dust in conditions of agriculture


Makhmudova Umida

PhD student

06.01.02-Melioration and Irrigated Farming

Assessment of the ecological runoff in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya under climate change


Mirzakobulov Jakhongirmirzo

PhD student

06.01.02-Melioration and Irrigated Farming

Assessment of the qualitative and quantitative potential and possibilities of using collector-drainage waters in agriculture


Ashirova Olga Alеksandrovna

DSc student

06.01.02 Melioration and irrigated agriculture

Development of methodology for calculating water supply systems in rural settlements


Muminov Maxmud Abdimuratovich

DSc student

11.00.05 “Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources”

"Development of the scientific basis of the ecological condition of foothill rangeland in degradation, their protection and restoration (in the case of Samarkand region)".


Shoergashova Shobegim

PhD student

11.00.05- Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources

The interrelationship between quantitative and physico-chemical indicators of water in the formation of river flow quality in the conditions of climate change (as an example of the Zarafshan river ecosystem)


Nasibov Bobur

PhD student

11.00.05- Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources

Assessment of the possibilities of using collector drainage and underground water in the conditions of water shortage (in the case of Andijan region)


Masaliyeva Zilola

PhD student

06.01.02-Melioration and Irrigated Farming

Evaluating opportunities for mitigating and adapting to the growing water shortage in Uzbekistan using the virtual water method


Musayev Aziz

PhD student

06.01.02-Melioration and Irrigated Farming

Impact of large-scale use of water resources of the Zamin River on the potential of ecosystem services


Alimova Madina

Independent researcher

11.00.05- Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources

Development of optimal parameters for the biological treatment of industrial wastewater through the use of algae (on the example of Kibray beer and non-alcoholic plant in Tashkent)