

Code and title


Full name, academic degree and title, place of work and position of scientific consultant


Dissertation topic


3 course

05.07.01- Agricultural

and ameliorative machines.

Mechanization of agricultural

and reclamation works

Doctor of Technical Sciences, D. Norchaev

Justification of the parameters of the earth-moving working body of the carrot digger

Murtazaeva Gulnoza

3 course

05.07.01- Agricultural

and ameliorative machines.

Mechanization of agricultural

and reclamation works

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor B. Mirzaev

Justification of the parameters of the universal furrower for horticulture

Kannazarova Zulfiya

3 course

05.07.01- Agricultural

and ameliorative machines.

Mechanization of agricultural

and reclamation works

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A. Muratov

Improving the technology of cleaning closed horizontal drainage on irrigated lands

Khurramov Mukhriddin,

1 course

05.07.01- Agricultural

and ameliorative machines.

Mechanization of agricultural

and reclamation works

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor B. Mirzaev

Development and justification of the parameters of the device for pumping intra-farm canals from inside the soil in the irrigation system