Customer Organizations

Customer Organizations

Graduates of Hydromelioration faculty can work in the following organizations: Main Department of Water Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Management, “Uzvodpromekspluatatsiya”, State Unitary Enterprise “Vodproekt”, SLRVodmashservic”; Joint-stock CompanyGidroproektin Tashkent city; Inspection State Control of Water Resources”; State Enterprise Uzspesvodstroy”, Service Center Gidrometeorologiya”, SLR Tupalangesvodstroy; Department of Exploitation of Interstates Water basins”, Scientific Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems under TIIAME, Management of Basin Irrigation Systems “Аmu-Surkhan”, “Аmu-Bukhoro”, “Аmudarya”, “Zarafshan” , “Sirdaryo-Sux”, “Norin-Koradaryo”, “Chirchik-Ahangaron”, “Middle SirdaryaandUnited Department of Controlling Serviceof the Central Fergana.