Along the museum

The direction of the department "Hydrology and Hydrogeology" of "Hydromelioration" faculty organized on the 27th of April, 2019 at the Museum of History of Temurids under the direction of assistant professor Gulnora Jumabaeva with the students of group 315 in Hydrology (reservoirs). During the journey, the historical details of the Temurids were described by the museum staff as follows. Amir Temur Movarounnahr, a promoter of politics, reformer, trade, craftsmanship, science and culture, is on the battlefield of political struggle, the conquest of Amir Temur, the Mongol invasion, Hussein and Temur's occupation of Samarkand, as well as the history of a number of grandfathers' histories. Also, during the visit to the Museum of History of Amir Temur, our students gained information about the monuments of silver, coins, ceramics and historical manuscripts.

Report by G.Jumabaeva

R.Jumaniyozov, the press secretary of the institute