Subjects taught at the department


Item name

 Brief information about the discipline


Life safety

Causes, features, consequences and methods for eliminating hazardous factors, creating safe working conditions, protecting the population from natural, man-made, environmental and other emergencies, their theoretical and practical protection, providing primary medical care to victims.


Occupational Safety and Health

This is a science aimed at ensuring healthy and safe human labor in production conditions, and includes regulatory and organizational issues of labor protection, the basics of ensuring industrial sanitation, electrical safety and technical safety.


Fire safety basics

Future specialists will be trained in the measures and rules for protecting human life, citizens and material assets in case of various fires and explosions, providing first aid to victims, protecting industries and material assets from fires and destruction. .


Introduction to the specialty

It helps future specialists to have an idea about the educational process and educational institution, about the future specialty, which will help students in their future work. Prepares students for higher education.


Assessment of workplaces

Еnsuring certification of workplaces at hazardous production facilities in undergraduate specialties, as well as informing state bodies, self-government bodies of citizens and the population about the state of public safety, organizing labor protection, determining the hazards of workplaces and equipment, training in the rules for attesting workplaces in hazardous production facilities.


Rescue work

During accidents and natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, typhoons, landslides, fires, etc.), the elimination of the complications caused by them, in various adverse natural and climatic conditions, the issues of sustainable operation of economic facilities are studied. In addition, it is to teach students how to take action to prevent people from dangers, how to provide immediate assistance.


Safety of production processes

Hazardous factors affecting a person in production processes in all sectors of the economy and ways to protect against them.


Radiation safety

To acquaint future specialists with the dangers of sources of ionizing radiation, types of radiation and their effects on the human body, as well as protective measures against them that may arise in everyday work and in various emergency situations. Teaches the principles of safety in a radiation accident, protection methods, decontamination methods, correct behavior in a radiation accident.


Emergencies and civil protection

Teaching future specialists the rules for protecting citizens in any emergency (natural, man-made, environmental), providing first aid to victims, protecting economic sectors and material assets from damage.


Environmental Safety

Organizational issues of ensuring the protection of nature, natural and anthropogenic hazardous processes, their impact on human life and ways to protect against them.



Biomechanical and anthropometric measurements in the design and selection of tools, machines and mechanisms, in the organization of the workplace. Application of biomechanics and ergonomics methods to improve labor safety, reduce injury rates and occupational diseases.


Civil Protection Organization

Organization of civil protection in emergency situations of peacetime and wartime, as well as ways to protect citizens, protective structures.


Theoretical foundations of life safety

Teaching future specialists the reasons, features, consequences of risks arising in their life, as well as the rules for their elimination, the creation of safe working conditions.


Technogenic risk and reliability of technical systems

Teaching students the reasons, features, consequences of risks arising in the operation of technical systems, and the rules for their elimination, the creation of safe working conditions, their theoretical and practical protection, the rules for providing first aid to victims.