Scientific work

Scientific works

Implementation of scientific and research works not provided with funds from the state budget and the scientific and practical results obtained from them. Scientific and research works on the topic No. 1.13 "Development of scientifically based recommendations on increasing the useful volume of seasonally managed water reservoirs" approved by the scientific council of the university were carried out at the expense of the state budget. Scientific work is being carried out on the topic "Development of rules of procedure for the operation of the Zomin reservoir" - scientific leader F. Gapparov. (amount of 150 million for 2022) scientific research is being carried out.

On the implementation of participation by department scientists in international scientific and educational project competitions with 2 project proposals:

  1.  Revising the "Safety Declaration" of the Southern Mirzachol Main Canal, YUR-18 Canal and re-developing the "Central Network Canal" safety declaration.
  2. "Development of Safety Declaration of Shurtan Reservoir" belonging to Shortan Gas Chemical Complex LLC”.